We Get What We Think About

Cultivating Awareness for Lasting Change

We are creatures of habit and as such, we often find solace in the predictability of our daily routines. Our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, play a pivotal role in shaping how we perceive and interact with the world around us and the situations we encounter through force of habit.

Yet many of our habits operate on autopilot, leaving us without any conscious awareness of those we need to change, optimise or eliminate altogether. Lack of awareness limits our ability to make better decisions hindering our efforts to adopt and maintain new habits.

It’s essential to focus our attention on our desired habit formations to reinforce the neuronal connections necessary for change.

To break free from unconscious ingrained habits, we must exert conscious effort and redirect our focus toward our desired outcomes. By shifting our attention, we can hone in on what truly matters to us—whether it’s personal growth, career advancement, health, or relationships.

Deliberately shifting our attention towards new habit formation empowers us to identify opportunities, set meaningful goals, and channel our energy towards adopting them permanently. Simultaneously, it involves making better decisions requiring us to assess options, weigh consequences, and align our actions with our aspirations. It necessitates clarity, discernment, and self-awareness to navigate a myriad choices usefully.

Putting Things into Perspective -Zooming out to Focus In

Journaling serves as a potent tool for unearthing unconscious behavior patterns, akin to conducting a personal life audit.

Through regular journaling, we can:

* Reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and experiences to gain insight into recurring patterns and themes.

* Identify habits, routines, and reactions to various situations, enabling us to pinpoint areas for improvement.

* Track our progress towards goals, celebrating achievements and learning from setbacks along the way.

* Enhance emotional awareness, recognizing how our feelings influence our behavior.

* Explore different perspectives and solutions to challenges, aiding in decision-making.

* Proactively modify or discard behaviors that no longer serve us, fostering personal growth and transformation.

By documenting our experiences and observations, we can gain valuable insights into behavior patterns and trends, empowering us to make informed choices leading to more productive and fulfilling lives.

To refine our focus and drive positive change, here are some questions we can ask ourselves:…. Read the full article 👇🏻

Newsletter out Monday April 15th


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